
Please click here to see all of our recent publications focused on supporting children, youth, and families during and after a wildfire

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Hazelbaker, T., Brown, C. S., Nenadal, L., & Mistry, R. S. (2022). Fostering anti-racism in white children and youth: Development within contexts. American Psychologist. Advance online publication.

Mistry, R. S., Elenbaas, L., Griffin, K. M., Nenadal, L., & Yassine, A. (2021). Advancing Developmental Intergroup Perspectives on Social class. Child Development Perspectives15(4), 213–219.  

Kawasaki, J., Anderson-Levitt, K.A., Nenadal, L., Tanio, N., Pham, J., Diera, C., & Francois, A.F. (2018). From theory to practice: How pre-service teachers learn to become social justice educators. In J. Kay & R. Luckin (Eds.), Proceedings of the Rethinking learning in the digital age: Making the learning sciences count: The international conference of the learning sciences (ICLS) 2018 (Vol. 2, pp. 713-720). London: ISLS. 

Hazelbaker, T., Griffin, K. M., Nenadal, L., & Mistry, R. S. (2018). Early elementary school children’s conceptions of neighborhood social stratification and fairness. Translational Issues in Psychological Science, 4(2), 153-164. https://doi/10.1037/tps0000153

Nenadal, L., & Mistry, R. S. (2018). Teacher reflections on using inquiry-based instruction to engage young children in conversations about wealth and poverty. Early Childhood Research Quarterly42, 44-54.https://doi/10.1016/j.ecresq.2017.07.008

Mistry, R. S., Nenadal, L., Hazelbaker, T., Griffin, K. M., & White, E. S. (2017). Promoting Elementary School-Age Children’s Understanding of Wealth, Poverty, and Civic Engagement. PS: Political Science & Politics50(4), 1068-1073.

Mistry, R. S., Nenadal, L., Griffin, K., Zimmerman, F. J., Cochran, H., Thomas, C., & Wilson, C. (2016). Children’s reasoning about poverty, economic mobility, and helping behavior: Results of a curriculum intervention in the early school years. Journal of Social Issues: Education Inequality: Opportunity and Mobility.

Mistry, R. S., White, E. S., Chow, K. A., Griffin, K., & Nenadal, L. (2016). A Mixed Methods Approach to Equity and Justice Research: Insights from Research on Children’s Reasoning About Economic Inequality. Invited chapter for Ruck, M., Liben, L., & Horn, S. (Eds), Equity and Justice in Developmental Sciences: Theoretical and Methodological Issues. Advances in Child Development and Behavior (Vol. 50, pp. 209–236). Elsevier.https://doi/10.1016/bs.acdb.2015.11.003

Blog Publications

Nenadal, L., Peria, C., & Thayer, T. (2023, June 6). 10 Ways to Support Children During and After Wildfires. Psychology Today.

Nenadal, L., Peria, C., & Thayer, T. (2022, November 3). Finding a Way to Help After a Disaster. Psychology Today.

Mistry, R., Markowitz, A., Brittenham, K., Griffin, K., Hazelbaker, T., & Nenadal, L. (2019, November 20). Food for Thought: Preserving SNAP for Families in Need. Psychology Today. blog/social-class-matters/201911/food-thought-preserving-snap-families-in-need

Mistry, R., Nenadal, L., Griffin, K., Hazelbaker, T., & Brittenham, K. (2019, October 16). World Poverty Day: Conversation Starters to Use with Kids. Psychology Today.
